Tuesday, February 14, 2012

James, Ruby, Constance and Don Carlos Tillotson

Growing up Don Carlos and Ruby Tillotson were heroes in my eyes.  All the stories told of them made them seem larger than life.  How exciting as an adult to trace down those stories and see they are true. 

Don Carlos Tillotson's World War I Draft Card
                                                                                                                                      One particular story is that Don was such a large man he would completely fill a door.  My dad would always say that his father’s hair would brush the top of the doorway and his shoulders rub the sides.  This picture shows that, yes he was a large man.  He stood 6’5” tall.  On his draft cards they listed him as tall!  His son was 6’2” tall and you can tell by the picture that Don towered over the group.   
World War II Draft Registration

I also didn’t realize that Ruby was small.  But I know that Constance was 5’3” (but she is wearing heels so I’d have to say that she is probably about height as well, what do you think?

Marriage License of Don Carlos Buell Tillotson
and Ruby Elise Stultz

Also, in the process I managed to find Don Carlos and Ruby’s marriage certificate.  My Aunt Ruthie always speculated that they weren’t really married…much to the aggravation of my father!  But this one is official!  My sister Nancy and I found it on a fun adventure in Danville, Illinois.  Fun fact, when Nancy lived in Danville, her family attended the same church where Don and Ruby were married!

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